Alright, alright, alright! This is how it starts. I create a mockup catering to your theme, color scheme, pricing and any other ideas you may have. Now let’s bring it to life, shall we? These setups are a team effort. They would not be possible without @mydesignerjacqueline and @sweetsbyselina Before I let the kiddos smash […]
Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse! Say it with me…. Did you say it? YES?! Well your the best pal! HIYA! Planning a birthday can be stressful sometimes. Especially if you are wanting a big ol party with all the cute and trendy decor! Well have no fear, because I am here to give you the plug to all of […]
Black Girl Magic is in full on party mode! This celebration was for a 12 year old and my oh my was it perfect! Keep scrolling to see the magic! Party styled by Tisha with Unforgettably Sweet Events Want to turn your child’s party into a weekend event? Try a day/night at a hotel! Take […]